
The OLLI Blog showcases the voices and perspectives of the OLLI @Berkeley community as well as news from and about OLLI. Have a submission? Please contact Nancy Murr to learn more.

Throughout the fall, we've been showcasing influential UC Berkeley scientists, researchers and policy-advocates at the forefront of confronting climate change and its extreme…
By Hugh Winig, M.D.Dr. Winig is a retired psychiatrist and longtime OLLI @Berkeley member and volunteer. The origins and struggles of people with addictive conditions has been…
Here at OLLI @Berkeley, we curate our academic terms months in advance. Which means that even though we've just completed the second week of our fall program, our winter term is…
Ken Verosub is distinguished professor emeritus in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at UC Davis. His interests range from understanding the Earth’s magnetic field…
Sandra Bass, Ph.D. is an Associate Dean of Students and Director of the Public Service Center at UC Berkeley. She has worked on women’s leadership, girls education and…
Tell us a little about yourself.  I am a retired person, a wife, a mother and a grandmother — roles that I love — and also a lifetime student. I’m from the East Coast, and moved…
As we continue to navigate the COVID-19 crisis, how can we re-emerge with a sense of hope and vitality? On Tuesday, August 24, 2021, Amy Eva, Associate Education Director at the…
Dear OLLI members and friends, The cautious optimism many of us felt just a few months ago has hit a hurdle with the rise of the Delta variant and the recommendation of booster…
Sara embracing both clouds and sky By Sara OremSara Orem, Ph.D, is a longtime OLLI instructor, member and volunteer. Last week I had a Holter monitor pasted to my chest after the…
By Hugh Winig, M.D.Dr. Winig is a retired psychiatrist and longtime OLLI @Berkeley member and volunteer. None of us will likely return to our lives as we knew them prior to the…
So you want to investigate your own past. How to begin? First you should access and organize your own personal records. These are going to be extremely valuable assets in your…
Photo by Jim Watkins