
The OLLI Blog showcases the voices and perspectives of the OLLI @Berkeley community as well as news from and about OLLI. Have a submission? Please contact Nancy Murr to learn more.

I had just spent an hour whining to my friend Barbara about how blah I felt with each additional day of isolation in this pandemic. I am an extrovert. My husband is an introvert…
One hundred years ago, following 70 years of demonstrations, hunger strikes, and imprisonments of women suffragettes, women gained the right to vote in the United States. But…
Sagging shingles, cracked walls, cranky buzzers. We will miss them all. We are bidding farewell to our home of nearly 13 years and heading two blocks west to the Golden Bear…
If you are in my age group, born during WWII, you surely have vivid memories of the Civil Rights era of the 1960s which occurred during our young adulthood. Reading recently…
I feel compelled to write this very brief review in order to share this book, On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder with my OLLI classmates…