Thursday, Sep. 01, 2022
Dr. Michael Baker is an OLLI @Berkeley faculty member and retired trauma surgeon who also served 30 years in the uniform of his country, retiring from the U.S. Navy with the…
Thursday, Aug. 04, 2022
Susan Hoffman with instructor Michael Fox in the lobby of Freight & Salvage
Twenty years ago, when the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute movement began in California with…
Thursday, Aug. 04, 2022
Pierluigi Serraino is a practicing architect and educator. The author of many books on architecture, including TASCHEN's Modernism Rediscovered, his articles and projects have…
Thursday, Jul. 28, 2022
Exciting news! OLLI @Berkeley has just been voted the best continuing education option in Oakland and the East Bay in 2022 by Oakland magazine. We are thrilled at the honor!…
Thursday, Jul. 14, 2022
Join OLLI @Berkeley this fall for a blockbuster term of new courses, speaker events, intergenerational dialogues and more. Registration opens on Monday, July 25. Many classes…
Tuesday, Jul. 05, 2022
By Sara Orem
Sara Orem, Ph.D, is a longtime OLLI instructor, member and volunteer
I know that healthcare has changed over the last 5 years and particularly the last 2.5 years.…
Thursday, Jun. 30, 2022
Sarita Nyasha Cannon teaches courses on 20th-Century American Literatures in the English Department at San Francisco State University. She has presented her scholarship at…
Wednesday, Jun. 29, 2022
By Hugh Winig, M.D.Dr. Winig is a retired psychiatrist and a longtime OLLI @Berkeley member and volunteer
An earlier post of mine, "My Crazy Uncle," expressed my thoughts as a…
Friday, Jun. 24, 2022
Berkeley Chancellor Carol Christ sent the following email this morning to all UC Berkeley faculty, staff, and students. We wanted to share her message with the greater OLLI…
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2022
The season of summer reading has arrived! We asked faculty to recommend a favorite book or two, and they were happy to oblige.
Homeland Elegies by Ayad Akhtar
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2022
Karen Davis is senior film programmer for the Mill Valley Film Festival and professor emerita at California State University Monterey Bay. She has taught courses in film studies…
Monday, May. 23, 2022
By Sara OremSara Orem, Ph.D, is a longtime OLLI instructor, member and volunteer.
The guiding principle of the philosophy of Appreciative Inquiry (an early creation within…