There are lots of ways OLLI @Berkeley members connect and engage outside of the classroom, from in-person educational outings to gatherings focused on healthy aging. Many of the opportunities are organized by OLLI's volunteer Member Services Committee.
Field Trips
Recent excursions have included docent-led tours of museum exhibits, walking tours of campus architectural gems, deep dives into WPA murals in San Francisco, fun-filled trips to ballgames, and more.
Wine, anyone? Social gatherings are held several times each term in the East Bay and serve as a great ways to make and meet new friends.
Vital Aging
Our monthly Vital Aging program explores issues related to aging in a relaxed, supportive environment. Learn more.
Our volunteer program makes it a breeze to get involved and to experience all of the fun and fulfillment that comes with joining in. Plus accumulate credit hours for a complementary lecture course! Learn more.
Want to connect with other members? Great! OLLIBConnect is an electronic bulletin board founded, maintained and moderated by OLLI @Berkeley members for current OLLI @Berkeley members only. All members are invited and encouraged to participate and may request to join at any time by filling out this simple form.
Social Media
Join us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram. We'd love the company.