
The OLLI Blog showcases the voices and perspectives of the OLLI @Berkeley community as well as news from and about OLLI. Have a submission? Please contact Nancy Murr to learn more.

Our fall brochure is landing in mailboxes this week. To say we are excited about the term ahead would be an understatement. We are thrilled by the subjects on tap — the Roberts…
Whenever I visit someplace new and exotic, it falls into one of two categories: either I'm glad I went but I don't feel the need to go back, or I can't wait to go back. The Galapagos was the latter. 
Everyone who watched the first Presidential debate saw it: the impact of aging on President Joe Biden. It was so apparent that it may change the course of history—by him…
Once one lives into their 80’s, new strategies must be acquired to continue to thrive physically and emotionally. Maintaining a daily positive wellness journal rather than…
With summer here, we decided to ask faculty to recommend books they've recently read and enjoyed. Feel free to steal their choices as we wade deep into beach-reading season.
Much of life’s religious and spiritual teachings relate to subjects which we human beings struggle to understand—those things that are literally unknowable. The fact is that we do…
We are delighted to announce that two longtime OLLI faculty members — Beverly Crawford and Bruce Elliott — are this year's recipients of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute's Excellence in Teaching and Learning award.
Recently, I participated in UC Berkeley’s brand-new Black History Tour. OLLI friends joined me. Gia White, our guide and co-creator of the tour, provided insights into the experiences of students and faculty members dating back to 1881. It was then, 143 years ago, when the first Black student enrolled at Cal.
The multitude of conflicts that exist worldwide today include Gaza, Myanmar, Sudan, Mali, Ukraine, Syria, Ethiopia, Haiti, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This list is…
I have loved my country through thick and thin ever since I was born in upstate New York in the middle of World War II. There were actual cautionary “blackouts” during the very week I was born in case Germany tried to bomb New York, much as they were doing in London.
Peter Richardson has written critically acclaimed books about Hunter S. Thompson, the Grateful Dead, Ramparts magazine, and radical author/editor Carey McWilliams. A longtime…
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault in Norway is “the backup insurance policy for all the seed banks worldwide,” said its founder, Cary Fowler. The Vault, which stores 500 million seeds, is naturally three to four degrees below zero Fahrenheit.