
The OLLI Blog showcases the voices and perspectives of the OLLI @Berkeley community as well as news from and about OLLI. Have a submission? Please contact Nancy Murr to learn more.

OLLI member Audrey Webb reflects on the passing of her wife Karen from COVID.
Enrique Lima teaches history and culture in the Departments of Native American Studies and Ethnic Studies at UC Berkeley. We recently interviewed him about his upcoming OLLI…
Last October, Charles Henry, Professor Emeritus of African American Studies at UC Berkeley, frequent OLLI faculty member, and author of Long Overdue: The Politics of Racial…
As I reviewed our spring courses, I discovered a thread weaving through many of them: the focus on discovering not only what we know but how we know it.  For example:  Berkeley…
For those of us who grew up in the 1950s, a book from that era that stands out is John F. Kennedy’s Profiles in Courage about people in government who publicly stood for causes…
Great thanks to our wonderful faculty and many hundreds of blue-hand-raising, chat-box-filling members for launching our winter term with gusto. There's so much stellar learning…
Let’s start with the definition of the title of this essay: Empathy. Empathy is “a person’s ability to identify with or experience the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another…
Given the storming and siege of the US Capitol on Jan. 6, we thought we'd share this important conversation we held with Dr. Lawrence Rosenthal, founder and chair of the UC…
Over 20 years ago, friends and I started a men’s book group which has met monthly ever since. We have jointly read nearly 250 books, both fiction and non-fiction. One lesser…
Great thanks to film journalists and critics, Harry Chotiner and Michael Fox, for a terrific conversation recently "What the hell happened to movies in 2020?" (Thank you, Harry,…
We were delighted to host a superb conversation recently between Alexis Strauss Hacker, a former EPA acting regional administrator, and Michelle Roos, Executive Director of the…
  All of us at OLLI @Berkeley wish you a joyful, peaceful and safe holiday season, and a (much) happier new year. At our OLLIday Happy Hour on Dec. 18, member Rani Cochran shared…