Friday, Feb. 04, 2022
Pam Gleason is a local history buff and tour guide whose Guidebook to Berkeley will be on bookshelves soon. She’s worked at UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism since 2007…
Thursday, Feb. 03, 2022
By Hugh Winig, M.D.Dr. Winig is a retired psychiatrist and longtime OLLI @Berkeley member and volunteer
Nearly everyone in America today is struggling with some aspect of…
Thursday, Jan. 27, 2022
If you'd like to take a sneak peek at our spring term — and, really, why wouldn't you? — then flip (virtually) through our new brochure, which should be landing in mailboxes by…
Wednesday, Jan. 05, 2022
By Hugh Winig, M.D.Dr. Winig is a retired psychiatrist and longtime OLLI @Berkeley member and volunteer.
The term positive psychology means consciously altering one’s mind to…
Friday, Dec. 17, 2021
All of us at OLLI @Berkeley are grateful for—and awed by—the engagement, empathy and resolve our community has shown over the past twelve months. You are a marvel. Best wishes…
Friday, Dec. 03, 2021
Linda Carucci is a former California Culinary Academy dean and granddaughter of an Italian cheesemaker. She is the author of Cooking School Secrets for Real World Cooks, a…
Thursday, Dec. 02, 2021
We are excited to announce that Patricia Carvalho is joining our team as Business & Operations Manager. Patricia comes to OLLI after a decade as Operations Director at Ashby…
Thursday, Dec. 02, 2021
Until the fall of 2020, OLLI @Berkeley's home for 13 years had been a saggy brown shingle on Walnut Street one block from campus. The building — not the memories it holds — is …
Wednesday, Dec. 01, 2021
By Hugh Winig, M.D.Dr. Winig is a retired psychiatrist and longtime OLLI @Berkeley member and volunteer.
The field of human psychology is still in its infancy. It was but a mere…
Monday, Nov. 22, 2021
We listened.
Friday, Nov. 05, 2021
On a warm weekend in October, about two dozen OLLI members and an equal number of Berkeley undergraduates gathered for an intergenerational design challenge. This informal STEM…