The Year Ahead: We Asked, You Answered, We Listened

Susan Hoffman
Susan Hoffman presenting at the Lafayette Library and Learning Center

Depth, breadth, choice — there is an abundance of courses this fall that signal our turning the corner on the pandemic and taking your suggestions to heart.

We Asked, You Answered, We Listened

Informed by our Annual Member Survey, hundreds of course evaluations, and dozens of individual conversations with members and faculty, we have reimagined OLLI @Berkeley to be the kind of community you’ve told us you want — one that offers tremendous flexibility and choice in how, where and when you learn.

For example, 84% of members surveyed said they want more recorded courses, not as a substitute for in-person or livestreamed learning, but as backup for when they can’t attend in real time. In response, I’m delighted to report that 80% of our courses this fall will be recorded and available to view and enjoy through Dec. 31. 

We’ve also heard your desire for more hybrid courses, which are courses offered in person and online. This fall, we are offering 10 hybrid courses in total — 8 in Berkeley and two at the Lafayette Library and Learning Center.

Hello, Lafayette!

We are so happy to be back in Lafayette! The Lafayette line-up includes Berkeley professor Henry Brady, former Dean of the Goldman School of Public Policy, who will conduct a century’s long look at the future of California with presentations by scholars, researchers and policy makers on water, transportation, housing and California’s often underrated business climate. Dr. Michael Baker will organize the orchestra of voices that populate our state with the intention of finding common ground and common cause. Plus, Bill Smoot will spark lively discussions on film noir and philosophy and Lauren Carley will lead joyful singing.

Explore the World with Us

The fall curriculum will bring the world to you through courses that capture America’s role in 20th century history such as the conundrum of the Manhattan Project, the films of the Cold War, and the rise and demise of communism in many parts of the world. We’ll discuss America’s involvement in Afghanistan, as well as explore the Balkans, stories from Africa and hotspots across the globe.

And, if as Joyce Carol Oates said is correct, “Anything you create transcends time in some ways more real than the actual reality of your life” (NY Times, July 23, 2023), the OLLI curriculum will offer personal and universal narratives with words, art, image and song. A veritable feast for the senses and sensibilities as OLLI instructors delve into poetry and poetics, memoir and legacy; short stories about ourselves or others; Bay Area art and filmmakers that refocused the art world’s attention to California; and the music and performance art that has for more than 5o years been emotionally expressive, genre expanding and gender bending.  



As always, we strive to feed your curiosity. We look forward to experiencing this fall term with you!

Susan Hoffman

Director, OLLI @Berkeley