
The OLLI Blog showcases the voices and perspectives of the OLLI @Berkeley community as well as news from and about OLLI. Have a submission? Please contact Nancy Murr to learn more.

By Sara Orem Sara Orem, Ph.D, is a longtime OLLI instructor and member who also founded and facilitates OLLI @Berkeley's Vital Aging program. Because I grew up in a fancy…
Thich Nhat Hanh. Photo by Dana Gluckstein.
By Hugh Winig, M.D.Dr. Winig is a retired psychiatrist and a longtime OLLI @Berkeley member and volunteer When I moved to the Bay Area in 1975, I felt frustrated that the New…
From top right: Harlow in front of the Kremlin (2017), with friend in Moscow (1978), and on TransSiberian railroad (1972). Harlow Robinson is an author, lecturer, and the…
By Linda Wing, PhD
Courses about History have been perennial favorites at OLLI @Berkeley, and our member surveys tell us to keep offering them. Whether it’s local or national, just-past or the…
Bill Smoot received his PhD in philosophy from Northwestern University, specializing in existentialism and ethics. A lifelong teacher, for the past decade he has taught at Mount…
By Louise Nayer Nayer is the author of six books, including Narrow Escapes: A Memoir, out in March. She is teaching a memoir writing course with us this spring. The Genesis of…
By Linda Wing, PhD Dr. Wing spent more than 45 years working to transform public schools in order to enable students in the nation’s cities to learn and achieve at high levels…
Karina Palau (pictured here with her daughter) is a lecturer in and coordinator of reading and composition for UC Berkeley’s Department of Comparative Literature. She is…
By Hugh Winig, M.D.Dr. Winig is a retired psychiatrist and a longtime OLLI @Berkeley member and volunteer Writing a review of In Defense of a Liberal Education by Fareed…
As we enter 2023, I can’t help but reflect on the past and future of lifelong learning. Perhaps you are, as well. At the first Town Hall meeting we held in May, 2020, after our…