Fascism in History

Fascism in History

Matthew Specter
Thursday, Sep. 22, 2022, 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM (PT)
Repeats every Thursday until Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022
Price: $90.00
This event is currently full.
Fully Enrolled

This course examines the evolution of fascism throughout the 20th century. Through lectures, participants will gain an understanding of how the personalities of Mussolini and Hitler subverted democracy from within and created dictatorships. The course will go on to explore the American fascist fringe of the 1930s and ‘40s and the reconstruction of classic European fascism by the transatlantic radical right after 1945.

Matthew Specter is a specialist in modern European intellectual history and 20th century political thought. He has taught for over 20 years at universities including Duke, UC Berkeley, Stanford, and George Mason. He is the author of two major monographs in intellectual history including, The Atlantic Realists: Empire and Intellectual Political Thought Between Germany and the United States.

This is a Livestreamed + Recorded Course

  • Classes will stream live on the scheduled day and time.
  • Classes will also be recorded. Videos will post the Friday of each week.
  • Course materials, including videos, will remain available to enjoy through December 31.
  • All links and materials will be posted in the Member Dashboard. Learn more.
  • Fee assistance is available if cost is a barrier. Learn more.

Schedule Highlights

  • Course starts on Thursday, September 22 and ends on Thursday, October 13.
  • The September 29 class will be pre-recorded. It will not stream live.
  • Classes meet for 4 weeks, 1.5 hours per session.

Faculty Interview

Fascism in History

Matthew Specter
Thursday, Sep. 22, 2022, 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM (PT)
Repeats every Thursday until Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022
Price: $90.00
This event is currently full.
Fully Enrolled

This course examines the evolution of fascism throughout the 20th century. Through lectures, participants will gain an understanding of how the personalities of Mussolini and Hitler subverted democracy from within and created dictatorships. The course will go on to explore the American fascist fringe of the 1930s and ‘40s and the reconstruction of classic European fascism by the transatlantic radical right after 1945.

Matthew Specter is a specialist in modern European intellectual history and 20th century political thought. He has taught for over 20 years at universities including Duke, UC Berkeley, Stanford, and George Mason. He is the author of two major monographs in intellectual history including, The Atlantic Realists: Empire and Intellectual Political Thought Between Germany and the United States.

This is a Livestreamed + Recorded Course

  • Classes will stream live on the scheduled day and time.
  • Classes will also be recorded. Videos will post the Friday of each week.
  • Course materials, including videos, will remain available to enjoy through December 31.
  • All links and materials will be posted in the Member Dashboard. Learn more.
  • Fee assistance is available if cost is a barrier. Learn more.

Schedule Highlights

  • Course starts on Thursday, September 22 and ends on Thursday, October 13.
  • The September 29 class will be pre-recorded. It will not stream live.
  • Classes meet for 4 weeks, 1.5 hours per session.

Faculty Interview