Close to Life: Writing Short Essays

Close to Life: Writing Short Essays

Christine Schoefer
Monday, Mar. 31, 2025, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (PT)
Repeats every Monday until Monday, May. 5, 2025
Fully enrolled; waitlist available
Price: $245.00
Waitlist available. Please contact office.
Fully Enrolled
Closeup of hand writing with a pen

As we delve into the art and the craft of writing, we will learn techniques for getting into the creative flow and working there. Participants will write short pieces (350 words max) in class and at home. They will listen to classmates’ writing and practice giving constructive feedback. Engaging with the writing of others allows us to recognize more clearly our own voice and writing style, and it hones our skill in revising our own writing.

Faculty Bio

Christine Schoefer received her PhD from UC Berkeley with a dissertation focused on literature and politics. Her work has been featured on NPR, in The NationSalon, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, and elsewhere in the US and also in Germany. 

This is an In-Person Course

Schedule Highlights

  • Course starts on Monday, March 31, and ends on Monday, May 5
  • Classes meet for 6 weeks, 2 hours per session (10–noon)
  • All course materials will remain available to view and enjoy through May 31

Member Praise for Christine Schoefer

The camaraderie and support among the students were great, the quality of essays and discussion was high and opinions were diverse which made for a lively class.

This turned out to be a wonderful class. When I signed up, I had no knowledge of the instructor. She created an environment for raising the class's interest in writing and editing SHORT essays. We had lots of hands-on time with various class members.