Cheese: Milk’s Leap Toward Immortality

Cheese: Milk’s Leap Toward Immortality

Janet Fletcher
Monday, Mar. 31, 2025, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (PT)
Repeats every Monday until Monday, Apr. 21, 2025
Price: $130.00
48 slots available
Closeup of rows of cheese, aging

Where does cheese come from and how are its hundreds of varieties made? In this deep dive into one of the most beloved food groups, explore cheesemaking through history and learn how the major styles evolved. Examine the cheesemaking process and consider how different types emerged in different regions. Learn about curds, whey, rennet, and culture as you follow cheese from the milking parlor to the aging room. Become a smarter shopper and learn to evaluate cheese like a pro. A segment on cheese and health concludes the course. 

Faculty Bio

Janet Fletcher publishes the Planet Cheese blog and is the author of Cheese & Wine, Cheese & Beer, and Cultured: The Epic Story of Cheese. She has taught thousands of  cheese enthusiasts and is a member of the invitation-only Guilde Internationale des Fromagers.

This is a Livestreamed + Recorded Course

  • Classes will stream live on the scheduled day and time
  • Classes will also be video recorded
  • You must be a current OLLI @Berkeley member to register. Learn about membership, including our fee assistance program.

Schedule Highlights

  • Course starts on Monday, March 31, and ends on Monday, April 21
  • Classes meet for 4 weeks, 2 hours per session (10:00 AM–noon)
  • All course materials will remain available to view and enjoy in Member Dashboards through May 31