

Yoni Mayeri
Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024, 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM (PT)
Repeats every Tuesday until Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2024 except Oct. 29
Fully enrolled; waitlist available
Price: $245.00
Waitlist available. Please contact office.
Fully Enrolled

"Stunning photo of purple flower against lime colored background"

Learn how to expertly capture images, edit, and create extraordinary photographs using solely your iPhone. Gain inspiration to find your creative vision and expand your technical knowledge. By the end of this workshop, you will understand the ins and outs of iPhone photography. Presentations will cover:

  • Best practices for how to take professional quality photos
  • Editing and enhance your iPhone photos using the Photos App
  • Learn to use easy editing techniques on your mobile device
  • Introduction to several Apps from the App Store
  • Accessories to expand your iPhoneography
  • Best practices for saving, organizing, sharing, and printing your images.

Faculty Bio

Yoni Mayeri began her photography career at Polaroid and Nikon. An early iPhone adopter, she conducts popular workshops at prestigious institutions like UC Berkeley, Stanford, Google, Rancho La Puerta, and many other venues. Her engaging iPhone workshops are known for empowering individuals to unlock their creative potential through photography.

This is a Livestreamed + Recorded Course

  • Classes will stream live on the scheduled day and time
  • Classes will also be video recorded
  • You must be a current OLLI @Berkeley member to register. Learn about membership, including our fee assistance program

Schedule Highlights

  • Course starts on Tuesday, Oct. 1, and ends on Tuesday, Nov. 12
  • Classes meet for 6 weeks, 2 hours per session (1:30–3:30 PM)
  • Class does not meet on Oct. 29
  • Videos will post on Fridays in Member Dashboards
  • All course materials, including videos, will remain available to view and enjoy through Dec. 31

Member Praise for Yoni Mayeri

I was delighted with the breadth of information.

The content of the course was exactly what I was looking for. I learned so much.

Yoni was so organized and comfortable about staying on track while repeating information class members asked for. She was never rattled by any question, knew how to demonstrate use of tools she presented, and involved the class in individual submitted critiques of photos.