Personal Essay: Finding Transcendence in the Ordinary

Personal Essay: Finding Transcendence in the Ordinary

Jane Ganahl
Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2024, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM (PT)
Repeats every Tuesday until Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2024
Fully enrolled; waitlist available
Price: $235.00
Please contact office to be added to waitlist
Fully Enrolled

"Personal Essay" is full enrolled. Please contact the office if you'd like to be added to the waitlist.

Each day presents moments inspire a personal essay: the kindness you see shown by a store clerk to a senior, the anger you feel at someone tailgating you on the road, the moment when your grandchild asks when you’re going to die. In this introductory essay class, you’ll learn how to identify these pivotal moments, find their epiphanies, and write about them in a way that resonates with readers. You will focus on one personal essay, creating a finished product by the end of the six weeks.

Faculty Bio

Jane Ganahl is a writer, teacher, and co-founder of Litquake. As a Hearst newspaper journalist for many years, she wrote the “Single Minded” column, which led to her memoir, Naked on the Page: The Misadventures of My Unmarried Midlife. Her essays have appeared in Spirituality & Health, Huffington Post, Bazaar, and Salon, as well as in four anthologies.

This is an In-Person Course

Schedule Highlights

  • Course starts on Tuesday, Jan. 16, and ends on Tuesday, Feb. 20
  • Classes meet for six weeks, two hours per session (1–3 PM)
  • Course materials will remain available to view and enjoy through March 31

Member Praise for Jane Ganahl

Jane showed amazing knowledge and encouragement. She created an amazing space to learn and write.

Jane is wonderful and exceedingly patient and encouraging across all levels of student experience. She is a rare teacher.