Joy of Singing

Joy of Singing

Lauren Carley
Monday, Jan. 23, 2023, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (PT)
Repeats every Monday until Monday, Mar. 6, 2023
Price: $155.00
This event is full.
Fully Enrolled

Anyone, no matter their vocal ability or experience, can improve their understanding of the voice and experience the pleasure of singing with others. The music we will sing in this course comes from many traditions around the world and is chosen to demonstrate vocal technique and build confidence. Students will build ensemble skills, practice rhythms, employ call and response, and leave with the tools to continue learning at home.

Lauren Carley is a singer, performance coach, and choral director. She has led community choirs in the Bay Area for two decades. 

This is an In-Person Only Course
  • Classes will be held at University Hall, Room 150 (2199 Addison St.
  • Classes will meet in person only, and will not be livestreamed nor recorded.
  • Course materials will remain available to enjoy in the Member Dashboard through March 31.
  • Fee assistance is available if cost is a barrier. Learn more.

Schedule Highlights
  • Course starts on Monday, January 23, and ends on Monday, March 6.
  • No class on February 20.
  • Classes run for six weeks, two hours per session.

Health & Safety

Faculty Interview